Essential Items Needed for Any Long Trip

Getting on a long trip is one of the most fun and adventurous ways to visit the country. From Point A to Point B, you’ll be filled with awe seeing all the stunning attractions and hidden gems you may never get to see when you fly. Yet, like with any forms of travel, taking traversing seemingly interminable stretches of roads entails its own challenges and inconvenience.

That is why you need to prepare well and pack the necessary stuff before you hit the road. To get you started, here are the essential items needed for any long trip to ensure that journey out there will turn out smooth and memorable.

License and Registration

Perhaps, the most important thing you need to bring is your license and car’s paperwork. These documents will prove that you’re permitted to drive and the vehicle you’re driving is legally by yourself, a family member, a colleague, or a rental company. If you’re planning to get behind-the-wheels abroad, check if you need to get an international driver’s license. For the majority of countries, your home license isn’t usually enough, so it’s better to verify things first before jetting off.

Car Manual

While you don’t want to be in any mishap, sometimes, they’re just inevitable. So, make sure to have your car’s manual with you at all times. Though you may have inspected your car before, there are parts or signs that may still be unfamiliar. Worst is if you never opened your vehicle back home before, you’ll most likely spend considerable time trying to figure it out. To avoid such frustration, toss in your car’s manual, you’ll never know when it’ll become handy.

Navigation Apps and Map

Navigation apps have truly revolutionized the way of traveling, allowing you to know where you exactly are, what’s nearby, and how to get to your desired locations as you wish. The downfall is cell reception may not be available in isolated locations, keeping you clueless about where you’re at with no one to ask for directions. As such, it’s best that you also bring a map with you, just in case your navigation app fails. It will help you orient, especially in unfamiliar settings.

Emergency Car Kit

Never take any extended trip without your emergency car kit. It should include jumper cables, road flares, washer fluid, oil, rope, tire pressure gauges, jack, you name it but don’t miss out on the spare tires! With all that, you’d be prepared if you experience any sudden issue. Having an emergency car kit can often be the difference between returning on the road quickly or waiting for a few hours for help.

First Aid Kit

Preparing a first aid kit is boring, not until you discover its value when you need them on the roads. They are perfect for any pains and aches you may experience or any wounds or scrapes you may incur during your trip. The same way you put together items to solve any issue with your car, the same way you should arrange necessary items for yourself.


Road trip adventures often mean traveling long highways far from an hour or two far from the nearest civilization. If hunger strikes, you’ll surely end up cranky, hoping to see any gas station that springs along the route.

Save yourself from such a dire situation by packing snacks. Bring a good mix of healthy foods and some forgivable junk foods. Not only do you have something to eat along the long hours of travel, but you also get to save money from buying these food items, often at a higher cost on the motorways.


If you get hungry, you’ll get thirsty as well. Curbing thirst is as vital as alleviating your hunger. So, make sure to bring plenty of water, more notably if you’re traveling during summer. Get big reusable water bottles. You can freeze a few of them and place them in insulated bags to keep your water nice and cold.


Better yet, get a cooler instead. You get to store your water ad and your snack supply. It will also give you more options for which snack you could bring, knowing that you can keep them fresh longer during the ride.

Self-care Items

As you travel, you must also practice self-care and bring practical and personal items to ensure safety and cleanliness and maintain good hygiene. Be sure to pack baby wipes, as long roads often mean no places to shower in. You can use them to wipe your face and hands, leaving you feeling refreshed.

Of course, tissue and toilet paper are next, especially when you run into a gas station without them. Throw in the hand sanitizer, as handwashing may always be an option. Hand sanitizers kill harmful viruses and bacteria, making them a great alternative. Other essential self-care items include toothpaste, toothbrush, deodorant, sunscreen, personal towel, and feminine hygiene products.

Running shoes

Running shoes are your double-duty long road trip ally. You can use them for hiking and exploring towns, plus they are also comfortable for driving. Remember, some countries prohibit wearing flip-flops while you’re behind-the-wheels. Wearing them won’t give you the same braking force as when you’re wearing your close-toed shoes on. Just save the flip-flops for beaches you may pass by along the way.


When you stop your car to view the blissful scenery, take a quick hike, or dive into a lake, don’t allow your car to bake in the sun. Get a sunshade so you can keep the interior of your car a bit cooler, and you won’t feel like in an oven when you get back in. You also protect your vehicle from harsh UV rays, which can cause crack and dried up seats, steering wheel, and dash pad.

Phone Charger

Did you know that phone charges are among the most frequently forgotten items when packing for a road trip? Never commit the same mistake as your phone is your connection to the world, communication tool, music player, GPS, and game. If you bring spare ones and get a multi-port charge, it’s best as no one would ever need to argue who charges their phone first.

Travel Neck Pillow

If you’re fortunate not to be the one drive, then get that travel neck pillow along with you. It’s a great tool to keep you feeling relaxed and prevent fatigue on a long trip. Spending hours inside the car can be pretty uncomfortable. It’s nice to have something with you as you doze off in between destinations.

Bug Spray

Found a scenic spot where you can camp for free where you can spend the night? That’s great! And then you get attacked by annoying mosquitos, ticks, or flies, indeed not cool. So, be sure to bring a reliable bug spray or repellent to ward these pesky insects away and so you can continue enjoying the location.

Day Bag

Lastly, you don’t want to take your suitcase in and out of your car and carry it wherever you go. If you need to hike or walk around the city, you could never go wrong in bringing a day bag. It can hold your towel, water bottle, few snacks, and wallet, making you good to go.


That’s the rundown of the essential items you need for any long trip! Pack them all before starting your journey on the road, and look ahead for an extraordinary adventure!