Things You Need to Treat a Toothache at Home

If you have ever dealt with a toothache before, you might have thought every way possible to get relief from the pain. Whether it is dull and constant or intermittent and sharp, a toothache is one of the most annoying pains that can ruin your day or your good night’s sleep. Because you want the pain to go away in just a snap, you may wonder if there are any remedies you can try at your home before you can schedule a dentist appointment. That is why in this article, we are going to list down some things you need to help relieve a toothache at home. 

What Causes Toothache?

Toothaches are characterized by a dull or sharp pain in or around the tooth. Some people only feel toothaches when pressured is applied to the tooth. People who are suffering from toothaches might also experience headache, swelling around the tooth, or a foul taste in the mouth because of the infected tooth. 

Toothaches are commonly caused by dental cavities because of enamel decay, a tooth crack or chip, an abscessed tooth, gum disease, or grinding teeth. If you are suffering from a toothache, the best thing that you can do is to schedule a dentist appointment as soon as you can. Especially if your toothache is accompanied with earache, fever, or causing you severe pain. 

Things You Need for At-Home Toothache Remedies

If you think that you only have a minor toothache or if you cannot make it to your dentist immediately because your toothache hit during the middle of the night, here are some things that you may have at home that can help you minimize the pain. Take note that the following things can only provide temporary relief at home until you can get yourself checked by a dentist. 

  • Ice – You can try and apply ice to the area where the painful tooth is located. Ice can help to numb the pain. You can try to wrap the ice in a towel, apply it to the affected area and keep it there for at least fifteen minutes at a time. You can also try and hold ice water in your mouth just for several seconds at a time. Keep in mind that you do not have to bite the ice because it could break your teeth. 
  • Saltwater – Try to rinse your mouth with saltwater because it can help dislodge food debris and other substances stuck between your teeth. Salt is a natural disinfectant; that is why it can help with the infection by reducing inflammation. You can try mixing half a teaspoon of salt with warm water, then gargle it like a mouthwash. 
  • Teabags – Apply a used cold or warm tea bag in the affected area. If you want a warm tea bag, make sure that it cooled down a bit and just warm, you do not want to burn your gums or your mouth. If you prefer the cold tea bag option, you can put the used tea bag in the freezer for a few minutes before you apply it to your tooth. We suggest you use a peppermint tea bag because it contains bacteria-fighting properties that can be good for toothaches. Keep in mind that tea can stain your teeth, so we do not recommend that you use this method often. 
  • Hydrogen Peroxide – Hydrogen peroxide attacks bacteria and inflammation. That is why it can be helpful when it comes to treating toothaches. All you have to do is make a rinse by mixing two parts of water with one part, three percent hydrogen peroxide. Remember not to swallow the solution and use a mouthwash after. 
  • Thyme – You can apply thyme oil directly to your tooth or use it as a rinse by adding a drop of it to a glass of water. If you want to apply it to your tooth, you must dilute the oil in water and place a few drops of it in a cotton ball before putting it on your tooth. 
  • Wheatgrass – Just like the other home remedy methods that we mentioned, wheatgrass is effective when it comes to reducing the infections caused by bacteria. You can try this method by getting some wheatgrass juice and use it as a rinse at least two to three times a day. 
  • Vanilla Extract – Vanilla is another natural anti-inflammatory that can help numb the pain that is caused by a toothache. You can try and put a small amount of vanilla extract on a cotton swab or on your finger and apply it to the affected tooth a few times a day. 
  • Garlic – Aside from having anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties, garlic is also a great pain reliever. You can try and make a garlic paste, then apply it to the affected tooth. You can also try and chew a fresh garlic clove or put garlic oil on a cotton ball and apply it to the affected tooth. 

You can also opt for over-the-counter medications such as ibuprofen or paracetamol to help ease inflammation and pain if your toothache is keeping you up at night. Take note that you should not apply these said painkillers directly to the affected area or gums because the acid in the medicine can irritate gum tissue. 

All of these things can help you experience temporary pain relief from toothache. Still, you should not consider them as a replacement for dental care that a professional can provide. That is why if you’re suffering from a toothache, it is best if you make an appointment with your dentist so you can have your tooth evaluated and treated by a professional. For your kids, you may want to contact this pediatric dentist in Dumfries, VA.