Vegetables That Grow Well in a Container

If your vegetable gardening is limited by a lack of room or an undesirable location, you should consider growing fresh, nutrient-rich veggies in containers. A window sill, patio, balcony, or entryway is ample room for a fruitful mini-garden. Almost any vegetable that thrives in a conventional backyard garden will also thrive in a container.

Whether you’re a novice or an experienced gardener with limited space, container gardening is a fantastic method to maximize your space and start growing. It is the ideal approach to get skills and start small before tackling larger areas.

Inexpensive Garden Containers

1. Repurposed food packaging

Large coffee cans, milk jugs, and other large food and beverage containers can be used to cultivate small, leafy plants. Although you can use a variety of repurposed containers, for the greatest results, avoid containers smaller than one gallon. Even little plants require sufficient soil for their roots!

2. Baskets

There is a broad variety of shapes, sizes, and materials for baskets. These will not survive as long as other options, but they are adorable and will promote rapid growth. In addition, there is no need to create drainage holes with this alternative.

3. Buckets

Five gallon buckets are an ideal size for planting, as they provide adequate root space for plants such as peppers, peas, tomatoes, and carrots. Both plastic and metal buckets can be used to cultivate crops, provided they have never contained poisonous substances.

4. Pallets

Pallets are widely accessible at no cost and can be used as individual upright or flat planters. To preserve soil, you will need to create planting spaces with landscaping fabric. Multiple pallets can be used to construct a raised bed planter with four sides.

5. Boxes

Wooden boxes containers of various sizes function effectively. Check with a local winery or liquor store to see if they receive any wooden-boxed wine. Drill a few drainage holes at the bottom, and you can begin planting. Even old dresser drawers are can be saved for planting some vegetables

Vegetables Grown in Containers

1. Tomatoes

Growing tomatoes in containers is simple and extremely rewarding. The majority of tomatoes thrive in large containers and will require staking or a tomato cage. This support prevents the heavy fruit from causing the vines to bow and break. Tomatoes dislike the cold, so avoid planting them too early. Before planting, take cautious to harden off or gradually adapt seedlings to outside conditions. Remove the seed leaves and the first set of true leaves from tomato seedlings before putting them in the ground. Tomatoes are planted significantly deeper than other plants.

Remember that the larger the tomato type, the larger the container it will need. Small cherry tomatoes will not need as much space or soil as giant beefsteak-type tomatoes.

2. Lettuce

It is quick to cultivate lettuce and other salad greens in containers. Container gardening allows for greater control over weeds and pests than in-ground planting. The majority of lettuces and salad greens are spring crops, however newer cultivars that can endure summer temperatures have been produced. As the growing season progresses, you can also lengthen your harvest by shifting your container to a cooler, shadier location. Lettuce need less sun than most veggies.

3. Radishes

Most radishes mature from seed to harvest in less than a month. Additionally, they do not require a lot of room; they may grow in containers that are only 4 to 6 inches deep. These plants will bolt in hot weather, but you may easily prevent this by placing them in the shade or watering them. There are numerous varieties, so you can choose your seeds based on their beauty and taste; certain types are exquisite. The tops and pods of radishes can also be consumed.

4. Garlic

Choose a container that is at least 6 to 8 inches deep and as broad as possible for growing garlic in containers. Leave 5 to 6 inches of space between each clove that you plant.

5. Bitter Melon

This unusual and nutritious food is perhaps one of the greatest vegetables to cultivate in containers. Similar to the cultivation of squashes, cucumbers, and melons.

6. Carrots

Choose a container with a depth of 10 to 12 inches and a soil capacity of at least 3 gallons. When the carrots reach a height of 2 to 3 inches, thin them to a distance of 3 inches apart.

7. Orange Trees

Growing citrus in pots restricts their growth, allowing me to include more varieties in my yard. Additionally, growing citrus in containers keeps the roots out of garden beds. In milder climes, citrus grown in containers can be carried inside. Use a container capable of holding at least 20 gallons of dirt. 

8. Beets

You may be surprised to find a root crop on this list, but root crops perform exceptionally well in containers because you can prevent the soil from becoming compacted.

It is obvious why beets are ideal for container gardening, as they thrive in small places. The most crucial factor is the container’s depth, as plants must be allowed to grow and develop freely. Ideal root development occurs at a minimum depth of 12 inches.

Maintain your containers in direct sunshine, which is defined as six hours of sunlight every day.

9. Zucchini

It is possible to grow zucchini in containers, and you can even teach them to climb a trellis for added support. Similar to other types of squash, zucchini is a heavy feeder. Before sowing zucchini seeds, take sure to amend the soil with ample compost. Plan to apply fertilizer multiple times during the growing season.

10. Jalapeno Early Pepper

Jalapenos are commonly used in salsas and dips during the summertime. This is arguably the most popular sort of spicy pepper in America!

‘Jalapeno Early’ is an heirloom variety that blooms early in the season, which means this type of pepper plant will bear fruit more quickly. Expect approximately 65 to 70 days to maturity with excellent yields.

11. Chili Peppers

Chili peppers are ideal for adding flavor to small spaces and your next concoction of home sauce. However, they require a sunny and warm environment to develop in order to be both productive and beautiful. But, as long as you can supply that, they will flourish.

12. Beans

Green beans are a wonderful addition to any balcony or courtyard due to their gorgeous foliage and blossoms. Here you may find additional information about cultivating green beans.

There are two methods for cultivating beans in containers.

You can select a “bushy” kind of bean, which will thrive in a container without additional support, or you can grow a climbing variety and train pole beans to climb a trellis. This is perfect for maximizing vertical space, as they can be run up walls and fences.

13. Thai Hot

‘Thai Hot’ peppers grow on eight to twelve-inch plants that are ideal for container cultivation.

Up to 200 half- to one-inch peppers can be harvested per plant. These are ripe when they are bright red and are ready in around 85 days. And they are renowned for their extreme heat!

14. Eggplant

Eggplant is one of those fantastic veggies that can also be used as a decorative plant. Some eggplant cultivars can develop dense and heavy; do not utilize those sorts in your container garden. Consider compact cultivars such as ‘Fairytale’ and ‘Hansel,’ which are attractive and delicious. Large containers are required to support the roots and bushy growth of this plant. Also, consider purchasing glazed ceramic pots, which keep water longer, if you are purchasing ceramic pots.

15. Onions

I adore interplanting them with different vegetables in containers. Onions are a fantastic companion plant. Select a container with a depth of at least 12 inches when growing bulbing onions. Select a container at least 6 inches deep when growing green onions.